Project x Project’s Asian Exquisite PbP-LA Benefit
(Gerry Furth-Sides) When people used to ask me for restaurant recommendations, I would always suggest attending a charity food event to sample a variety of places. and a chance to meet the chefs or owners, plus benefit a worthy charity were reasons enough.
Project x Project’s PbP-LA was always one of my top three. It proved better than ever this year. Why? This annual PbP-LA tasting benefit is Asian, exquisitely presented, welcoming, leisurely and all proceeds go to a different charity each year.
My connection with PbP-LA came about when I met a founding board member, Mila Chan, at a dinner hosted by Andrea Rademan, a much missed self-styled culinary PR force. I recently found emails of mine over decades to Korean, Thai and Indian restaurant owners urging them to join up.

Experienced catering company owner friend, Roberta Deen views PbP as “the best organized event” she had ever seen. In her words: “The event volunteers are more professional than paid professionals!”

The formal PbP-LA fundraiser evening is designed to raise awareness of Project x Project. Guests enjoy sampling signature dishes, participate in a silent auction, and attend the highly celebrated after-party.
Project x Project’smission: to develop leaders through innovative philanthropy. The idea is to invite nonprofit organizations, elected officials, community influencers, and professionals from various industries to learn more about our 2023 campaign theme of Education Access and current beneficiary partner. For more information, please see Project by Project (PbP)
Founded in 1995, Hope Community Services, located in Orange County, has been instrumental in supporting the Vietnamese community by delivering educational programs, including youth summer camps, after-school tutoring, and senior English Second Language classes. Details are below.
The evening also introduces guests to authentic traditional and cutting-edge eateries. Right on trend: artisans who excel at savory or sweet and started their story during and after COVID with online pick up and delivery only sites. Food, not the dish, stars here.

626 Hospitality‘s Foie Gras Tartlets with Pomegranate Gelée was a favorite bite (we had three). It not only made you want another one, but to know the story of the high energy chef-owners, just now moving into a brick and mortar store. We will be telling it here soon.
Learning what the buzz is about: Portuguese Egg Tarts have been the darling dessert for the last few years. Paderia (@ paderiabakehouse)’s generous offering did not disappoint. The congenial hosts insisted on sending us off with a plate of cookies that turned out to be the best cookies of the year.

More on the first level: DK’s Donuts (@dksdonuts); Dr. Hops ( @drhops); East Side Cheesecake (@eastsidecheesecake). This level also showed the international nature of LA food and drink from New York cheesecake to Louisiana fried chicken.

(@eastsidecheesecakes); Emporium Thai ( @emporiumthai); Flurr Ice (@fluffice); Gogo’s Tacos (@gogostacosla); Hummy Soju Seltzer (@drinkhummy); Intercrew (@intercrewla); Jack Daniel’s (@jackdaniels_us); Kazunori (@ kazunori); Kirin Ichiban (@kirinichibanusa); Le Coupe Fried chicken (@lecoupe_friedchicken); Loose Leaf Boba (@looseleafboba); Maison Matho ( @maisonmatho)

Other vendors includes Maker’s Mark (@makersmaek); Make & Soli (Adrinkmakku); Nep Cafe + Gem Dining (, @gemding); Paderia (@ paderiabakehouse); Papille Gustative (@papillegustativela); Salt & Straw (@saltandstraw); Santuari (@santuarila); Sanzo (@drinksanzo).

Other vendors included: Sunright Tea Studio (@sunrightteastudio.socal); Tasty Food 626; Teremana Tequila (@teremana); Top Tep (@toptep.popup); Wanderlust (@wanderlustcreamery); Wildwonder (@drinkwildwonder); The X Pot (@chubbycattle); You (@siyoju.
Hope Community Services has been instrumental in supporting the Vietnamese-American community by delivering educational programs. This includes youth summer camps, after-school tutoring, and senior English Second Language classes. The goal is for the new arrivals to “survive and thrive in America.”