The plate was designed to offset the alarming documented impact of fatty western fast-service food in southeast Asia. Obesity has reached alarming levels in the Asean Economic Community and especially in Thailand, where 32 per cent of the population are overweight, with Malaysia at 44 per cent and Singapore at 30 per cent. At this current rate, it is likely that half the Thai population will be overweight in the coming years.
The new diet-friendly dish called BiPlate literally sucks calories out of greasy food on its surface that is modeled after a sponge. Its hundreds of tiny holes on the surface that suck up and separate the oil from food before it’s eaten.
It is similar to but more effective than a napkin blotting surface grease from, say a pizza. And the clever surface is much stronger than paper.
BiPlate came to life after the Thai Health Foundation and an ad agency in Bangkok invented their own version (called Absorbplate) of a BiPlate in 2016 to address Thailand’s obesity problem, which is largely linked to the amount of oil used in the country’s popular cuisine.
Health and fitness expert Naomi Priestley describes it this way: //www.joyus.com/home/1-4969/trap-calories-so-you-dont-eat-them-hosted-by-naomi-priestley.
“For a lot of my clients, the hardest thing about losing weight is changing the way they eat,” adds fitness and nutrition expert Tim Long. “BiPlate is an amazing tool to reduce your caloric intake without even trying.”
BiPlate fights cholesterol and obesity by decreasing the amount of fat you eat even before it enters your mouth. It can reduce your caloric intake up to 90 calories a day, which adds up to 35,000 calories or 10 lbs. of fat per year.
The BiPlate is recommended for Thai food, Indian food, Mexican food, Italian food, bacon, fried foods and literally anything that contains a lot of oil.
BiPlate is BPA free, FDA approved, shatter proof and dishwasher safe.
BiPlate is available in a set of 2 for $29.99 and a set of 4 is $39.99 at www.BiPlate.com and Joyus.com.
For more information, check out this endorsement by health and fitness expert Naomi Priestley: //www.joyus.com/home/1-4969/trap-calories-so-you-dont-eat-them-hosted-by-naomi-priestley.
Obesity is defined as having an excess proportion of total body fat.