Cafe Gratitude thanksgiving event

Five Out of the Box (Suitcase) Thanksgiving Ideas

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After 22 years on the road cooking with Mrs. Cubbison’s stuffing, I could make tables and chairs out of it.  See a favorite recipe at bottom.

Thanksgiving for me was usually well over by the second week in November during the 22 years I cooked on TV up and down the west coast on a 10-city holiday tour on behalf of Mrs. Cubbison and the California growers.   One of the all-time favorites, seeped in Southern Comfort, was developed from the beloved Chef Michael Roberts’ original, with memories of it being devoured by stagehands even after a week out on the road.

Mrs. Cubbison has a classic “HELP line and there is a new, cutting- edge website complete with videos at // There is even a website with information on how to cook a frozen turkey.  There is even a website with information on how to cook a frozen turkey. //

(photo courtesy of Video link below

(1) Prep way ahead. Cook the Turkey the Day Before

Master caterer Randy Fuhrman’s philosophy of “having fun while you’re entertaining” translates into being prepared and filling in as you go along.  “Shop for dry items well ahead, then  unpack and place the ingredients for each recipe in individual bags,” he advises.  Sounds simplistic but his method takes out the all-too-common running back to the store for misplaced or forgotten items.”  Next, “create a fresh item list (food, flowers, meat, etc.) to fill in your time line, “he directs, “and keep the list on the fridge where you can see the ‘ big picture’ – and keep up with what is being cooked.””

Pulling serving platters & serving utensils beforehand is not a new idea, but Randy’s insider’s trick is  labeling them on the bottom with the name of dish.  “This allows anyone to help you get food to the table without having to ask!”

Randy also recommends cooking the turkey a day before, using a timing chart. “Take out the turkey 30 minutes before its done.  Let it rest for 20 minutes, then slice the entire turkey and place it in a pan, drumsticks and all.  Cover the pan with a clean kitchen towel and gently pour sherry over it. Refrigerate the turkey.  On the big day, warm the pan in the oven at 300 degrees for the last half hour for a moist and tasty turkey, ready for your guests!”

Copley National Newspaper wrote an article on me, finding the idea of me having to thaw a frozen turkey out in a hotel bath tub amusing!

(d) Dine with gratitude this year at  Cafe Gratitude, at Nikki Reed & Whitney Cummings, hosts 14th Annual Donation-Only Community Thanksgiving Meal with 100% of proceeds benefiting a Safe Place for Youth and the California Fire Foundation.   Served with love on a first come, first serve basis on Thanksgiving from 11 am-3 Pm, Cafe Gratitude will be home for organic plant based Thanksgiving meals & for Angelenos to give thanks and give back to Los Angeles, featuring live music from Avasa and Matthew Love. The menu includes GT’s Living in Gratitude Kombucha, Red Lentil Holiday Loaf, Raw Stuffing, Smashed Potatoes, Mushroom Gravy, Rosemary Roasted Vegetables, Autumn Salad and Pumpkin Pie

A Gratitude Restaurant Thanksgiving meal (photo courtesy Cafe Gratitude)

Café Gratitude Larchmont, 639 North Larchmont Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90004.  Thanksgiving is an annual event for those in need to experience community and a stellar meal, in a joyful and nourishing experience. Come one, come all to eat, to feel at home or volunteer, sign up here.

A Gratitude Restaurant Thanksgiving plate (photo courtesy Cafe Gratitude)

(3) A Thanksgiving Buffet Style Brunch could be the focus meal of the day instead of dinner. And no one can prepare a more sumptuous buffet than the Four Seasons.  A Live Breakfast Station features all things eggs including a special Thanksgiving BenedictThe Farmers Market Station features such seasonal dishes as Roasted Butternut Squash.  Entire huge station tables are filled with Fresh Seafood or Sushi, Nigiri and Dim Sum. The full Carving Station features Whole Roasted Turkey, “Buffalo Style” Hot Turkey WingsCinnamon and Honey Glazed Ham, and steaming Roasted Prime Rib .  Entrées include specialty Braised Short RibsCassoulet with Duck Confitand a Carved Roasted Turkey with all trimmings.  The meal is finished off with an array of rich Artisan Cheese and cornucopia of sensational Desserts.

Colina Carving Table at the Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills

Holiday Pavilion by Culina  at the Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills,  Thanksgiving Buffet Style Brunch 300 South Doheny, Los Angeles, CA 90048; 310.860.4000.  For details and reservations, please see

(4) Have the best Turkey burger in town as a holiday meal .  Slater’s annual favorite turkey patty piled high on a  brioche bun with dressing, turkey gravy, house-made cranberry sauce, and garlic & sage aioli on a honey wheat bun, comes with choice of sweet potato fries with sweet pumpkin sauce or french fries with bacon ketchup or house salad for $14.99.  Pair it with Pizza Port’s Chronic Amber Ale.  Available until December 31st, 2018.

Mrs. Cubbison was the real, historic Sophie Cubbison, one of the first graduates in nutrition who developed a healthy melba-toasted stuffing for farmhands on her family farm and turned it into a thriving business.  I loved it even though I created original recipes each year, prepped the dishes and carried it all (with the equipment).. in high heels.  I even took my own picture and had myself independently recorded to show the folks back home.  It was the people I loved and the idea of sharing food, and there were so many “funny” stories that it made a national article (see below).   We emphasized “planned overs” as well as original, usually ideas for the main table.

A recipe to Make You Feel Good Even After Cooking

“Bread and Butter Pudding with Drunken Figs”

(with thanks to the wonderful Chef Michael Roberts)

serves 6


  • 1/2 cup California Dried Ffigs
  • 3/4 cup Southern Comfort blended whiskey
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butteeer, melted
  • 2 cups of Mrs. Cubbison’s Corn Bread Stuffin’
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 cup of whipping cream
  • 1/4 tsp. quality vanilla
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4  cup sugar

Drunken Figs:  Prepare at least 2 weeks prior to preparing the pudding.  Roughly dice the figs, place in a jar, and pour Southern Comfort over them.  Cover tightly and leave in a dark place.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Using 1 tablespoon of the melted butter, grease a 1 1/2 quart baking dish and set aside.

Toss stuffin’ with remaining butter in a mixing bowl and place in a small baking pan. Place in oven to brown lightly. Remove and set aside.

Meanwhile, combine the milk, cream and vanilla in small saucepan.  Heat on high, removing mixture from heat when it starts to boil.  Let sit for 15 minutes.

In a mixing bowl combine eggs, yolks, salt, and sugar and whisk until smooth.  Pour cream mixture over eggs and mix well.

Remove figs from the Southern Comfort and place in another mixing bowl.  Toss figs and stuffing mix together and let sit for a few minutes to let taste soak in.

In a mixing bowl combine eggs, yolks, salt, and sugar and whisk until smooth.  Pour cream mixture over eggs and mix well.

Remove figs from the Southern Comfort and place in another mixing bowl.  Toss figs and  mix together and place in buttered baking dish.  Pour cream and egg mixture over it.  Place baking dish in a boiling water bath (water should come 3/4 of the way up the sides of the dish), and place in preheated oven for 1 hour or until set.  When done, the pudding will have puffed and a knife inserted into the center will come out clean.  Remove from water bath and chill for 4 hours in the refrigerator before unmolding when served cold.  Serve pudding unmolded, hot or when pudding has unpuffed.