Oh My, (Bee K’Conscious),Honey!

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Gerry Furth-Sides) Anyone who has ever tasted natural honey will forever know the difference between this syrupy delicacy and filtered honey that has been through a heating process.  I did over 15 years ago at a farmers market in Santa Monica and remember it as though it was 15 seconds ago.  I smile every June because this healthy treat actually inspired the “honey” in the word honeymoon, another term for the Strawberry full moon.

Aware Denver-based startup Bee K’onscious Artisanal Honey founders are now offering nutritious raw, artisan honey.  Each jar of single-origin honey is sourced from the finest beekeepers around the world, with a QR-coded label that allows customers to scan and trace the honey to the single beekeeper who produced it. The “hive to home” honey brand has partnered with TagOne, a provider of blockchain technology, to provide customers the ability to ensure the source of the jar is producing 100% pure, unfiltered, unpasteurized, non-blended honey. For more details and to order, please see //(www.bkshoney.com).

Bee K’onscious California Raw Honey from the High Sierras

Bee K’onscious Artisanal Honey currently offers four Artisanal Honey varietals ($18 per jar): Brazilian Cipo Uva, Brazilian Marmeleiro Prateado, Montana Clover and a much sought-after California Sage.

Bee K’onscious Artisanal Honey California Raw Honey carefully wrapped in shipping

We were lucky to try the California Sage honey.  It is the most dense, lush and flavorful.  This varietal is very sought after because some years do not even produce a harvest. Sage honey comes from the slopes of California’s Sierra Nevada range that is produced during the bloom in spring and summer.  The honey is light golden(honey white) with a slight vegetal odor and a flavor profile that is mildly earthy, sweet and delicate.  We spooned Sage straight from the bottle and also on the dishes below.

Did you know that the alternative name for the June full moon is “the honey moon” – hence it is the time of traditional marriages, and also the time following the wedding celebration!

Adding a touch of salt to Bee K’onscious Artisanal Honey atop any dessert or salad makes a dish spectacular and unique

We were recently introduced to Pamela Salzman’s dishes, many of which use honey instead of sugar so Bee K’onscious Artisanal Honey was perfect in them, such as the strawberry, cocoa nib, avocado salad below

Pamela Saltzman’s strawberry, cocoa nib, avocado salad with a dressing sweetened naturally with Bee K’onscious Artisanal Honey

Surprise! The first ingredients in this chocolate muffin are carrots and zucchini. A drizzle of Bee K’onscious Artisanal Honey over it with fresh blackberries makes it royale.

The classic yogurt served all over the middle east with walnuts and honey, is made all the more luscious with homemade yogurt, farmers market fresh raspberries and Bee K’onscious Artisanal Honey

Homemade yogurt and Bee K’onscious Artisanal Honey

“Many people enjoy high quality honey, not only as an alternative sweetener, but for its natural antibacterial qualities and disease-fighting antioxidants. (see health benefits below)  What makes artisan brands unique is that they are uncooked, unlike most mass-produced supermarket honeys which cooked and, thereby, lose their nutritional value,” explains Bee K’onscious owner Matt Kollmorgen. “Every jar of Bee K’onscious is raw, unadulterated and uncooked.”

Cipo Uva is one of the many varieties of flowers in the Brazilian Rainforest.  This organic honey is light amber in color with a refreshing floral odor.  The taste is a fresh, intense flavor of honey, slightly fruity, reminiscent of dates and figs, and often used on cheese or charcuterie boards.  The mild acidity fig flavor cuts through creamy cheeses like Brie. The sweetness offsets the tanginess of goat cheese and the true honey flavor balances firm, sharp cheeses like asiago or parmesan.

Marmeleiro Prateado, typically a northeast Brazilian bloom has a brief flowering of blossoms, as rainy season hits in January.  This is rare. coveted, very pleasant tasting honey  is water white or clear in color.  The odor is aromatic with a very pleasant and fruity, sweet, marshmallow like flavor

Montana Clover. Many consider this to be the standard by which all other honeys are measured. The mild, sweet flavor like a sugary treat with hints of cinnamon and vanilla makes this a top favorite for honey lovers and not. The color ranges from white to light amber. The texture is thick and creamy with a very pleasant aroma.

Bee K’onscious only partners with beekeepers that maintain ethical and sustainable beekeeping practices. Honey is packaged in glass jars and shipped to customers using only recyclable, corrugated packaging.

Bee K’onscious searches the globe looking for the highest quality honeys, harvested and produced by the world’s finest apiarists. The Denver, Co-based startup is working towards ending the exploitation and inequality in an industry where economies of scale value quantity over quality.

Versatile honey contains a wide array of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants.

  • Alleviates Allergies:  Honey acts like a natural vaccine.  It can trigger an immune response that produces allergy antibodies.
  • Cough Suppressant:  Honey coats the throat while the sweet taste activates nerve endings that protect from incessant coughing.
  • Sleep Aid: Honey promotes the release of serotonin.  The body converts this to melatonin, which regulates quality and duration of sleep.
  • Anti Microbial:  Honey is a natural antibiotic, used for centuries to remove bacteria from cuts and burns.
  • Superfood:  Honey contains many life sustaining substances – enzymes, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and water.
  • Boosts energy:  With 17 grams of carbohydrates per serving, its unprocessed sugars enter the bloodstream quickly giving extra energy.

According to Dr Fessenden, author of  “The New Honey Revolution,” honey can have numerous positive effects on the body and restore the health of future generations.  “Since ancient times, honey has been known for its many healthful benefits, but what many don’t know is that the current medical research has validated many of those long held beliefs”

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